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Region Asia
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Law No. 8 of 2010 established the Public Authority for Disability Affairs (PADA)

Quota Legislation

Yes, 4% for public entities with more than 50 Kuwaiti workers.

Relevant organisations, including INGOs


Region Asia
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Relevant Legislation: Part 3(18) of The Constitution of Nepal, 2015 prohibits discrimination of any kind because of one’s disability.

Chapter 6 of the Act Relating to Rights of Persons with Disabilities, 2074 (2017). focuses on Skill Development and Employment which states among other things that the Government of Nepal shall provide vocational training in order to develop professionalism and create self-employment by enhancing the skills of the persons with disabilities.

C111 – Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111)

The 112nd ILC session (2024) supervisory board comment of the ILO C111 – Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111) – Nepal (Ratification: 1974) reports in Article 1(1)(b), Additional grounds of discrimination, Disability the ongoing elaboration of a “Gender Equality, Disability and Inclusion” self-assessment tool, with the support of the ILO, which should be finalized in 2024 and is aimed at improving service delivery and strengthening the application of sections 24 (1) and 24 (3) of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act of 2017, concerning respectively the provision of vocational training and the prohibition of discrimination by enterprises.

Quota Legislation: Protection and Welfare of the Disabled Persons Act, 2039 (1982) prohibits discrimination against persons with disabilities in relation to employment. Individual businesses and private companies employing more than 25 people should give 5% of their jobs to disabled people that is, there should be at least one person with disabilities for every 25 employees hired. The government of Nepal and government-owned enterprises also reserves 5% of all jobs in the civil service industry for persons with disabilities. Additionally, the pay and other facilities of employees with disabilities should be equal to those without disability. There should be income tax exemption for employers who employ persons with disabilities. There should be no duties on specialist equipment required by employees with disabilities.

National business and disability networks or initiatives


Region Europe
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Relevant Legislation: The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is ratified  by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (Parliament) and is part of the domestic legislation of Ukraine. The basic law that forms the domestic policy on ensuring the employment of persons with disabilities and incorporates most of the international norms and recommendations in this area is the On the Basics of Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities in Ukraine states that Persons with disabilities in Ukraine have full socio-economic, political, and personal rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine, laws of Ukraine, and international treaties ratified by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. The system of social protection of persons with disabilities in terms of the implementation of their rights to work is formalised in the Constitution of Ukraine  and regulated by the provisions of the Code of Labour Laws of Ukraine, and other laws of Ukraine including On the basics of social protection of persons with disabilities in Ukraine, On rehabilitation of persons with disabilities in Ukraine, On labour protection  and other statutory instruments.

C111 – Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111)

The 110th ILC session (2022) supervisory board comment of the ILO C111 – Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111) – Ukraine (Ratification: 1961) reports in Article 1(1)(b), Other grounds of discrimination, Persons with disabilities, that pursuant to the Employment Act (2012) and the Act on social protection of persons with a disability (1991), the State Employment Service facilitates the employment of persons with a disability in jobs that are created or adapted for them in enterprises, institutions and organizations, taking into account the recommendations of the Medical and Social Expert Commission (MSEC). The employer cannot refuse to employ a person with a disability, based on this disability, except in cases where, according to the conclusions of the MSEC, their health status would impede the performance of their professional responsibilities or threaten the health and safety of other persons.

Quota Legislation: Quota of 4% for employers with more than 25 employees, 1% for employers with 8-25 employees must be observed by enterprises, institutions, organizations, and individuals who use hired labour. The Fund for Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities and its territorial branches ensures the implementation of the workplace quota system for the employment of persons with disabilities.


Region Asia
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The Disabilities Act of 2008 provides that persons with disabilities shall have the right to access employment on an equal basis with persons without disabilities. The Persons with The employer shall protect the rights of persons with disabilities, on equal basis with persons without disabilities, on equal basis with persons without disabilities, to just and favourable conditions of work, including equal opportunities and equal remuneration for work of equal value, safe and healthy working conditions, protection from harassment and the redress of grievances.

Currently, there is a 1% employment quota for persons with disabilities in the public sector.

Lao People’s Democratic Republic

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Lao PDR is one of the 180 Member States that have ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). The Decree on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was issued to protect the rights and interests of persons with disabilities in regards to policies on treatment, health, employment and other policies promoting self-development. It eliminates all forms of discrimination against persons with disabilities, granting them equal rights in front of the law. The State takes all measures necessary to prevent all forms of discrimination and abuses against persons with disabilities.

Persons with disabilities have right to work in all public and private sectors without discrimination, and this applies to employment application, acceptance, salary, promotion, compensation, among others.

Currently there is no employment quota for persons with disabilities.

United Arab Emirates (UAE)

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Federal Law No. 29 of 2006 Concerning the Rights of People with Special Needs guarantees the rights of people of determination, including the right to education, employment, healthcare, and social services.

The National Policy for Empowering People of Determination sets out the UAE government’s commitment to creating an inclusive society for people of determination.

Quota legislation

Resolution No. 43 of 2018 in support of the people of determination aims to support the employment of people of determination in the private sector by requiring companies to set aside a quota of 2% of their jobs for people with disabilities.

(* In 2016 HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum introduced the term “people of determination” in the UAE, referring to people with disabilities.)

Relevant organisations, including INGOs

National business and disability networks or initiatives


Region Asia
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1% quota for companies of 67 or more employees. Non-compliant employers should contribute to the Disability Employment Funds. The contribution amount is based on the required number of unemployed disabled multiplied by the statutory monthly minimum wage.



Region Europe
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National business and disability networks or initiatives

Branches of GBDN company members

The Netherlands

Region Europe
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Reintegration Scheme for Partially Disabled Workers

No quota for private employers. A 1.93% quota for public employers with 25 or more employees. Employers can request for wage subsidy if they employ employees with disabilities.


Region Europe
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Equal Rights For Persons With Disabilities Law, 5758-1998 prohibits disability-based discrimination in employment, including in hiring, including hiring tests; employment terms; promotion at work; training or professional advanced studies; severance or severance pay; benefits and payments given to an employee in connection with retirement from work.

3% quota is applicable for employers with 100 employees or more. Companies over 25 employees are required to make sure there is an adequate representation for persons with disabilities.