
Region Europe
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According to the Slovak Constitution ‘the basic rights and freedoms are guaranteed for all in Slovakia, regardless of their gender, race, skin colour, language, belief and religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, adherence to nationality or ethnic group, property, birth or other status. Nobody can be advantaged or disadvantaged on the aforementioned bases’. There is no explicit prohibition to discriminate against somebody on the basis of disability. However, in accordance with Article 38 of the Constitution, the rights of persons with disabilities are ‘extra’ protected with regard to health and working conditions, labour relationships and vocational training.

Anti discrimination act 2004

Quota legislation

Employers with more than 20 employees have an obligation to meet 3.2% employment target for disabled employees. Employers who do not directly employ persons with disabilities may perform this obligation in the following ways: by awarding the contract to the company that employs disabled employees or by awarding the contract to disabled persons who are self-employed; by buying the products or the services of sheltered workshops or sheltered workplaces, of disabled persons who are self-employed or of employers who employ disabled employees. Employers who have not met the legal requirements must pay a financial penalty in the range of 0.9 times the total labour cost of the monthly national average wage for each employee with a disability who is missing to meet the mandatory quota that comprised EUR 1,125 in 2018 (Act No. 5/2004 Coll. on Employment Services).

Find the Academic Network of European Disability Experts (ANED) report here