Empowering Employees with Disabilities: Insights through Focus Groups
Zain launched focus groups for employees with disabilities under it’s WE ABLE initiative - around its operations to understand the success stories, challenges and experiences employees have with disability inclusion at Zain as well as to identify areas for improvement. Zain wanted to hear from their employees with disabilities directly as they are the ones experiencing any inclusion and accessibility changes firsthand.
During the focus group discussions, employees with disabilities shared their personal experiences in the workplace, describing how they have seen significant improvements with accessibility. Zain employees highlighted they are not faced with stigma in the workplace and are treated equally and fairly by their colleagues. However, Zain’s disability inclusion journey is ongoing and the company is continuously making adjustments and improvements to the workplace with the aim of having a fully accessible workplace by the year 2025.
One employee stated that: “Zain has done everything it has to be done to be inclusive, all you need is a diploma and the correct qualities.”
The company recognises the importance of addressing feedback and any issues employees mention and pledge to take concrete actions to promote disability inclusion in the workplace. Some of the initiatives that the company plans to implement include: offering more disability awareness trainings for employees led by our employees with disabilities and creating a disability employee resource group.
The focus group not only provided valuable insights into the experiences of employees with disabilities but also demonstrated Zain's commitment to creating an inclusive and supportive workplace for all employees.