Repsol Campus, the corporate headquarters that are open to everyone

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11 Jan 2022

Accessibility allows for everyone to be able to access a building and get to their workplace safely, comfortably, and as autonomously and organically as possible. As a result, these buildings can be open for and benefit everyone.

Currently, Repsol has incorporated accessibility into all building construction, renovation, and improvement plans. In this sense, it is worth mentioning Repsol corporate headquarters, Repsol Campus, which were inaugurated in 2012 under the slogan “Repsol Campus is open to everyone”.

When Repsol Campus was designed, one of the main objectives was to guarantee that all people, regardless of their age and abilities, had the same chance to participate in the social and economic activities that would take place there. As a result, everyone would have the opportunity to use and benefit from the premises, regardless of their personal situation.

In 2018, ILUNION Accesibilidad, a Spanish consulting firm, carried out an accessibility analysis of the headquarters, which resulted in the Accessibility Action Plan for Repsol Campus 2019-2021. This action plan incorporated not only the measures that had been adopted when designing the building, but also some 100 examples of best practices and lessons learned.

Some of the most relevant measures adopted within this action plan are installing tactile signs on handrails, installing tactile paving in entryways, adapting reception desks, installing automatic doors in toilets, relocating pedestrian crossings, installing a lifting platform to access the stage in the auditorium, restoring the access ramp to the cafeteria, installing front mirrors in elevators, and installing Braille signs in all floors.

By constantly improving the physical and architectural features of our premises, with the aim of eliminating all barriers, Repsol Campus continues to be open to everyone.