“Diversity is who we are. Inclusion is what we do.”

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14 Feb 2020

Alianza Éntrale presents the book: “Diversity is who we are. Inclusion is what we do”, compendium of good business practices of labor inclusion of people with disabilities.

In December 2019, Alianza Éntrale presented the book: “Diversity is who we are. Inclusion is what we do”, a project that shares the good practices that companies have implemented in their work places to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities in Mexico.

One of the main needs that companies have in relation to the inclusion of people with disabilities is the know how to implement disability-inclusive employment practices. To fill that gap, Alianza Éntrale started an initiative that aims at telling the stories of member companies in the implementation of their disability inclusion practices.

The companies and civil society organizations that attended the event had the opportunity to listen to the processes and strategies of implementation of good practices of inclusion of two companies; AT&T, Citibanamex, and a Civil Society Foundation, Fundación Inclúyeme, whose stories are included in this first volume of the book.

Gerardo Gaya, Executive Director of Iluminemos de Azul and member of the Advisory Council of the Network of Facilitators of Services in Labor Inclusion, invited companies and organizations to continue working together since this collaboration will make the construction of a more inclusive Mexico possible.

The book is available in digital format and can be downloaded from the following page: https://www.inclusionlaboral.org. Alianza Éntrale invites more companies to join this project and share their good practices that have already impacted the lives of many people and that will serve as an example for those who are starting the path towards the inclusion of people with disabilities.