
Region Europe
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Relevant Legislation: Act on Services for Persons with Disabilities (14.4.2023/675) has the purpose to implement the equality, inclusion and participation of persons with disabilities in society and prevent and remove obstacles to their realisation; support the independent living and self-determination of persons with disabilities; and ensure adequate and high-quality services that meet the individual needs and interests of persons with disabilities.

Section 27d and 27e of the Social Welfare Act (17.9.1982/710) specifically refers to the employment of persons with disabilities.

The Non-Discrimination Act (1325/2014) promotes equality and prevents discrimination as well as enhances the protection provided by law to those who have been discriminated against. People with disabilities are mentioned in section 15: ‘Reasonable accommodation to realize equality of persons with disabilities’.

More details on the employment and labour of persons with disabilities in Finland can be found in the country report by the Academic Network of European Disability Experts (ANED) on the Task Social Pillar (2016-17).