The law 67 /2006 not only establishes the right of disabled people not to be discriminated against, but provides that the court may prohibit an act or behavior that discriminates.
Measures for the judicial protection of persons with disabilities who are victims of discrimination
Quota legislation
Law 68/99 on the right to employment for people with disabilities (Norme per il diritto al lavoro dei disabili), promotes work placement and work integration of people with disabilities by supporting services and targeted employment. Law 68/99 structures new rules based on the principle of placement of people with disabilities which respects their working capacities without penalising the employing company.
Article 18 specifies that companies with more than 15 employees must employ workers with disabilities in accordance with a quota system (companies with 16 to 35 workers must employ 1 person with disabilities, companies with up to 50 workers, 2 people with disabilities, and with more than 50 workers, a number of people with disabilities equivalent to 7% of the total number of employees).
Law 68 of 12 March 1999: Regulations for the right of employment of disabled people
Find the Academic network of European disability experts (ANED) country report here