How Do You Lip Read a Robot? - Recruitment AI has a Disability Problem

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04 Feb 2021

The "How Do You Lip Read a Robot? - Recruitment AI has a Disability Problem" session will explore the unacknowledged risks to the more than 1.3 billion persons with disabilities triggered by the fast-growing use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered recruitment tools. Why do leaders of the global ethical AI debate disregard the potential harm to more than 1.3 billion people living today with disabilities and to the hundreds of millions who will become disabled in time? Will the HR cost savings generated by AI technology outweigh the potential damage to the life chances of so many? How do we minimise the risks to both the employer and the job seeker worldwide? Join Yves Veulliet (IBM), Susan Scott-Parker (business disability international), Selin Nugent (Institute for Ethical AI, Oxford Brookes University) and Stefan Trömel (ILO Global Business and Disability Network) in this exciting discussion.

Follow this Zero Project 2021 session on Thursday, 11 February, 17:00-18:00 (CET) on Channel 2.

Register here.
