Inclusive Labour Exchange by Movimiento Congruencia

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31 Aug 2020

This job search and job application platform for inclusive vacancies allows for businesses to publish vacancies that people with disabilities can apply to, and for job seekers with disabilities to share their contact details and look for new job opportunities.

The Inclusive Recruitment Process is one of the main services that Movimiento Congruencia offers. Since our establishment as a civil association, our mission has always been raising awareness, promoting, and facilitating labour inclusion for people with disabilities in Mexico by establishing links between people with disabilities and businesses.

For approximately 10 years, we have supported businesses in their labour exchange process, which consists of: analysing and sharing vacancies, searching for candidates, analysing profiles, job matching, selecting candidates, applying for vacancies and providing support throughout the whole recruitment and hiring process, as well as following-up with their labour inclusion.

In 2019, our Council showed a particular interest in extending these services. That is why we developed a comprehensive, free and accessible digital platform: the Inclusive Labour Exchange by Movimiento Congruencia. This platform is targeted towards people with disabilities and businesses that want to promote inclusion within their companies throughout Mexico.

Our Labour Exchange platform allows

  • for people with disabilities: to register their contact details, search for and check open vacancies, apply to vacancies and generate, print and download their CV;
  • for businesses: to register as an inclusive business, publish and close vacancies, look for candidates and check job-seeking profiles;
  • for the wider public: to check open vacancies and the participating businesses.

This platform can also be accessed from any computer, smartphone or tablet, and it complies with the accessibility requirements for screen reader users to use, navigate and check this platform. We encourage you to discover our platform by clicking on the following link (in Spanish):
