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The Labour Act, act 651 of 2003 applies to workers and employers with the objective to promote employment. Part V focuses on the employment of persons with disabilities by promoting the establishment of public and private employment centres, with the role to ‘provide arrangements for the registration, employment, training and retaining of persons with disability’; the registration of persons with disability at the Public Employment Centres; special Incentives to be provided to an employer of a person with disabilities and to a person with disability engaged in a business or enterprise. To be determined by the Minister (however not yet specified in any legal framework); Particulars of contract of employment must include particulars of the job, working hours, amount of remuneration, transport facilities, and any special privileges; Persons with disability in public service posts must be appointed on the same terms as persons without disability, irrespective of whether they are allowed to work for fewer hours; and shall be classified in accordance with their previous period of qualifying service for the purposes of promotion and other public service awards etc.

Labour Regulations, 2007 (L.I. 1833) provides regulations for employment agencies, conditions of employment, organised labour, employment of persons with disabilities, health and employment, restriction on recruitment including prohibition of human trafficking.

The Persons with Disability Act, act 715 of 2006 promotes the employment of persons with disabilities with the following regulations (among others): Persons with disabilities registered as unemployed for more than two years to be provided with appropriate training, relevant working tools and materials, or assisted to access loan capital for starting business; Employers of a person with disability to be granted an annual tax rebate, and persons with disabilities engaged in business shall be granted special incentives (however not yet specified in any legal framework); Employers of a person with disabilities to provide relevant working tools and appropriate facilities required for the efficient performance.

Other legislations:

C111 – Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111)

The 110th ILC session 2022 supervisory board comment of the ILO C111 in the Article 5 of the  C111 – Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111) – Ghana in Article 5. Special measures. Persons with disabilities, notes the various special measures that the government has taken towards the job training and employment of persons with disabilities. They include the National Employment Policy, 2015: To create more decent jobs, improve the quality of jobs, increase labour productivity, and strengthen governance and labour administration.

Youth employment Agency Act, 2015: To facilitate creation of jobs for youths.

Workman’s Compensation Act 1987: Governs the compensation awarded to workers for personal injuries arising out of and in the course of their employment.

Relevant organisations, including INGOs

Branches of GBDN company members