Disability-inclusive Employment: Zero Project 2025

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24 Apr 2024

The ILO Global Business and Disability Network (GBDN) is partnering with the Zero Project to encourage companies to nominate their good practices in the area of disability-inclusive employment.

The Zero Project focuses on researching and advancing innovative solutions for the inclusion of persons with disabilities. It has established a global network of more than 10,000 experts, policy makers, and other changemakers to support the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

The ILO GBDN webinar “Disability-inclusive Employment: Corporate Nominations for #ZeroCall25 on 24 April 2024 presented the Zero Project Call for Nominations 2025 (#ZeroCall25), which focuses on the topics of disability-inclusive and accessible employment.

#ZeroCall25 opens 8 May 2024 and calls on innovative solutions from around the world and all sectors of society to submit their nominations. A select number of solutions will receive a Zero Project Award, support through the Zero Project Network and other opportunities to advance their innovations. The webinar speakers will discuss the benefits of nominating corporate practices and the process to do so.

Find out more about #ZeroCall25 on zeroproject.org/zerocall25


ILO (GBDN) collaboration with the Zero Project in recent years

At the Zero Project Conference 2023, a fireside chat discussed the “ILO GBDN’s Self-Assessment Tool for companies”. Further, in 2022 when the Zero Project focussed on accessibility, the ILO GBDN hosted the session “Reaping the business benefits of accessibility”. In 2021, the ILO hosted the session “An inclusive digital economy for people with disabilities” and in 2018, the “ILO Forum on Reasonable Adjustments in the Workplace” took place.

At the Zero Project Conference for Latin America 2024, the ILO GBDN co-organised and moderated the session “Collaborative networks: An opportunity for business growth” (“Redes colaborativas: Una oportunidad para el crecimiento de las empresas”).